Lifestyle Change: Challenges and Solutions - Part 2
In case if you have missed my earlier article, I encourage you to read Part 1 to get the full story and flow. In Part 1, I discussed about some of the internal factors like time, company, and motivation which are in our control to bring some lifestyle changes. In Part 2, we will discuss about Shareable factors.
Shareable Factors:
Shareable factors are those that we
can control partially but there is some influence externally, so we need to
make conscious efforts to overcome some of these challenges that pushes us to
comfort zone and not to consider healthy lifestyle choices. Let us see some of
Tim Wu a law professor at Columbia wrote an article in NYTimes about The Tyranny of Convenience in which he talks about 2 waves of convenience and mentions “If the first convenience revolution promised to make life and work easier for you, the second promised to make it easier to be you” Convenience is not all bad as it takes away repeated tasks like washing clothes, dishes and provide us leisure time for doing interesting tasks with its first wave of efficient choices, describes the author. Second wave brings mass personalisation with curated products for individuals with one-click, one-stop shop solutions, plug-and-play experiences says the author. As he rightly cautions “the idea of convenience as liberation could be intoxicating” as it takes away the struggle and human experience of life by making everything easy and slowly enslaving us to choose easiest options. Most successful stories have always been of the people who challenged themselves, navigated through inconvenient paths, experienced the struggle to build resilience and get ready to face difficult situations. Straight line for a heartbeat means death we need those ups and downs in the beat to be alive and Life without those ebbs and flows is not fulfilling.
We find it very challenging to walk a mile to drop our
kids to school as we are so used to the convenience of car, we find it difficult
to buy fresh food and cook ourselves as pizza can be ordered at the convenience
of couch, we find it very difficult to read a book at the convenience of
endless scrolling, that too we never go beyond headlines as we are so used to
shorts and quick bites. We shouldn’t take easiest choices always but challenge
ourselves with inconvenient choices and especially teach our kids, leading by
example, the importance of struggle and survival instinct which is essential
these days as they face harshest of climatic conditions every year.
Food plays an important role in building healthy lifestyle however as we have seen earlier in Part 1, as the countries becoming wealthier the population are adapting more convenient food choices as in the case with USA, 86% of the chronic diseases (NCD) that can be attributed to Standard American Diet (SAD) which is high in cholesterol, saturated fat with animal protein (Meat, Egg and Dairy). As per WHO, “People are now consuming more foods high in energy, fats, free sugars and salt/sodium, and many people do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and other dietary fibre such as whole grains.” In this BBC Video, it was shown how UK transitioned from more of whole foods in 1980 to Ultra processed convenient foods in 2000 and how the Diabetes almost tripled in same period. As of 2000, whole of UK population get 57% of calories from Ultra Processed Food (UPF), that rate is high in Children at 64%, Teens even higher at 68% and worst of all 1 in 5 people get 80% of their caloric intake from UPF.
Unfortunately, as the author says in
his article, convenience
meant conformity and embracing inconvenience may sound odd and instead of
being default lifestyle choices we give them names like hobbies, passion,
calling etc., In my personal experience, I am odd man out in my friend circle not
having a car and following plant-based diet, I am called too strict sometimes and
out of the normal! But in my view, we need to be conscious about inconvenient choices
and if it is going to add value to our life, it is worth the struggle initially.
Instead of wasting time sitting in couch doing endless scrolling, can we read a
book by walking to library? Instead of feeling lazy about ordering food online,
can we walk to farmers market to get fresh food and cook? Instead of spending
time online in Facebook and Instagram, can we spend time with family and
friends by walking to a park ? We need to make these little inconvenient but
fulfilling choices one at a time to move towards better lifestyle. Most
important aspect to get around convenience is to acknowledge first and take
small steps consciously one at a time to face the inconvenient truths about our
lifestyle. What once upon a time used to be a lifestyle with healthy eating,
regular exercise with walking, playing, gardening, or growing our own food has
now become too difficult in this new normal of convenience and we need to have
passion these days to exercise or cook regularly. It is sometimes better to
circle back to the roots and keep it simple to get back to the healthy
lifestyle. The by product or result of the convenience is disconnection, lets understand
that next.
One of the most undesirable effects of
industrialization is commodifying everything from food to all things we buy by pushing
us towards consumerism with convenient options. Take food for example, we normally
give more importance to convenience, affordability, and taste than the health,
nutrition, and sustainability aspect, distancing ourselves from the whole
process of farm to table. We have innate nature to love animals and can’t see
them suffer in pain in front of our eyes, but we somehow create a separation in our brain to treat
some animals as “someone”, our pets and yet others as “something” to eat, wear
or entertain. We see it as product, commodity disconnected from the whole
experience that a sentient being undergo and paying for it so that someone else
can do the job for us to end a life against their will. We visit farms and show
our kids happy cows grazing, cute little piggies, chickens, and ducks playing
and yet eating a hotdog, ham burger, beef burger at the same time without
telling our kids on how our food is coming to our plate. We sometimes don’t see
the bigger picture and impact of our food and lifestyle choices have as a
wholistic view not only with ethical and animal cruelty reasons, but also to
our health, health of the humanity, economy, and environment.
In another
article I wrote about how do we live, how do we eat, how do we shop
and how do we move has an impact on the natural finite resources and
ecosystems as they are interconnected and how it all adds up to the overall
carbon footprint and global warming. Monocrops like Soy and Corn grown majorly for
animal feed (but not feeding hungry population) replacing diverse variety of
crops and in profit making greed to increase yields, the chemicals and
pesticides used in agricultural farms causing soil degradation, insect, bird,
and pollinator population decline. Excessive
fertilizers sprayed on plants and factory
farm sewage are absorbed into water bodies and flowing to rivers causing
algae blooms to grow rapidly obstructing photosynthesis resulting in “Ocean dead zones” affecting
marine ecosystems. This ad “Hell of steak” puts this
into perspective on what price we are paying with the damage it is causing to a
wide range of ecosystems and affecting indigenous people to bring
that steak into our plate.
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Photo Credit: compassion/ |
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Photo Credit: Ian Somerhalder |
Why we are so disconnected? Are there
any factors influencing us to be disconnected and make it difficult to
understand the interconnectedness, the answer might be cognitive dissonance.
Cognitive Dissonance
Lifestyle changes can be very
challenging if we don’t understand the cognitive dissonance and effectively
deal with inconsistencies when we are at crossroads. As explained in this video,
Cognitive Dissonance is state of uneasiness that happens when we have
inconsistent beliefs or behaviours. It can be a new information that we have
learned that may contradict with what we have learnt for long time, like what
we learnt in chemistry about atoms and their physical attributes is now
contradicting with quantum physics where when we go deeper into in quantum
level there is nothing physical about it, it’s all energy and vibrations. Or when
we have learned about a behaviour that has a conflict with the sense of who we
are, for example we think that we are kind and animal lover petting dogs, cats
etc., yet eating sausage for breakfast, egg for lunch and steak for dinner.
Human brain doesn’t like these conflicts and cognitive dissonance can cause lot of physical discomfort as we expect balance, clarity, and consistency in thought to make harmony and peace with life. These 2 videos explained few ways on how do we deal with these inconsistencies and reduce that conflict.
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