Lifestyle Change: Challenges and Solutions - Part 2

Photo Credit: In case if you have missed my earlier article , I encourage you to read Part 1 to get the full story and flow. In Part 1, I discussed about some of the internal factors like time, company, and motivation which are in our control to bring some lifestyle changes. In Part 2, we will discuss about Shareable factors. Shareable Factors: Shareable factors are those that we can control partially but there is some influence externally, so we need to make conscious efforts to overcome some of these challenges that pushes us to comfort zone and not to consider healthy lifestyle choices. Let us see some of them. Convenience Tim Wu a law professor at Columbia wrote an article in NYTimes about The Tyranny of Convenience in which he talks about 2 waves of convenience and mentions “If the first convenience revolution promised to make life and work easier for you, the second pr...